Approximately 29 years ago, A Prospective New Day, Inc humbly begin from a mere question of "what can be done to assist young men and women who were entangled in the justice system, had a true desire to live as upright citizens, but were not able to do so because of their criminal background. With this question always in mind, Braswell Administrative Boarding House opened for business in October 2008.
Braswell Administrative Boarding House has been serving inmates transitioning from institutionalized systems into civil society in an unofficial manner since 2008. This business was created to focus solely on completing administrative task for small business owners in January 2008, but during this time, people would speak about loved ones being incarcerated and the need for assistance. While utilizing the administrative skills acquired, Braswell Administrative Boarding House begin assisting those individuals prior to release and for a minimum of 6 months post-release. At this time, the Reentry movement had just begun, and no formal or informal guidelines were in place. With this challenge present, the assistance provided to these individuals were from assessing the general basic needs of an individual currently in society. Through word of mouth, Braswell Administrative Boarding House begin assisting several other inmates that were incarcerated and/or had little to no support system in place. Seeing the need for temporary housing for newly released inmates, Braswell Administrative Boarding House opened the doors to provide shelter for inmates being released to Nash, Edgecombe, and Wilson counties in October 2008.
Braswell Administrative Boarding House provided several services to assist formerly incarcerated men and women become acclimated back into society. We assisted each client with basic life needs such as shelter, food and transportation. We assisted clients with obtaining all pertinent vital records to gain proper identification in society. Braswell Administrative Boarding House also assisted with identifying educational needs and aided in finding programs that offered free GED classes and literature for the local community colleges and their programs. In conjunction with these services, we assisted each client with applying for government assistance, financial aid, Medicaid, etc. through the Benefit Bank of North Carolina. Each client was provided with a list of medical providers that accepted Medicaid and others that had adapted the sliding fee program for underserved and unemployed individuals. Braswell Administrative Boarding House assisted the clients in creating employment profiles through NC Works and provided each client with a resume to reflect work history. Braswell Administrative Boarding House clients were also provided with information and assistance with applying for housing in low-income apartments that would allow entry for as little as $0 per month for those who were unemployed. We also provided mental health/behavioral health resources to assist with lifestyle change from life on the inside and any addictions that the client was battling with at that time.
In October 2018, Braswell Administrative Boarding House transitioned to Greensboro, North Carolina. While adjusting to the new city and environment, Braswell Administrative Boarding House dissolved, but the mission to assist was still at heart., Braswell Administrative Boarding House reopened as A Prospective New Day, Inc in January 2019 and continued offering the same services as before.